Premium Red Cedar Combination Hanger With Clips - 43cm X 12mm Thick (Sold in Bundles of 10/20/50)

Prices 10 pieces - ($ 65.00) 20 pieces - ($ 119.00) 50 pieces - ($ 279.00)

44.5cm Red Cedar Clothes Hanger without Lacquer Finish with Clips

Colour: Natural Cedar with NO Lacquer 


Thickness: 12mm

Finish: Smooth Surface

Crafted from 100% solid cedar, the Premium Red Cedar Combination Hanger with Clips - 43cm X 12mm Thick (Sold in Bundles of 10/20/50) exudes a sophisticated touch to your wardrobe. Its chrome metal clips and flat design add elegance while also effectively absorbing moisture and odors from your clothing. The natural wood grain adds a professional touch to your storage and ensures long-lasting durability. Count on the top-quality materials used in these hangers to provide years of reliable use.